Specialty Courses

The School of Biblical Entrepreneurship is a 3-4 quarter school that is “designed to teach how to use the Word of God as a guide to exercising stewardship over His resources and to serve others while leading them to Jesus Christ” (Principles of Biblical Entrepreneurship, 15). Such classes include the 12 principles of biblical entrepreneurship; developing the right attitude and character; identifying opportunities; taking risks; and much more.


The School of Prophets includes three classes that are designed to bring clarity and understanding of the personal and corporate use of prophecy. Such classes include the biblical directives for prophecy, discernment and the spiritual realm, prophetic intercession, and more!


The School of Worship includes three classes that will help prepare your heart and develop your skills to lead in worship ministry. Such classes include a learning the biblical foundations for praise and worship, practical tools for leading a worship ministry in the church, and songwriting for worship, and more!