Our Leaders
Dr. Dan Hammer
Tom Gibbons
Vice President
Dr. Kathy Troll
We are excited to introduce our newly appointed Directors who work passionately in their roles to help develop and expand SBC’s influence locally and internationally. As a team, SBC Directors meet monthly to pray, share, and develop as God leads to expand His kingdom throughout the earth.
Ireland Baus
Executive Assistant
SBC Main Campus
Deborah Sizer
Education Development
SBC Main Campus
Diane Fink
Prophetic School
Lorna Mirador
Lead Intercessor
Chris Troll
Pastor James Beirne
Debra Thompson
Student Events
Teaching Site Staff
Jessica Alderman
Director of Education
Arizona Campus
Pastor Narong Kittaweesin
Director of Education
SBC Thailand Campus
Sue Knapp
Librarian, Administrative Helps
SBC Main Campus
Deb Matthews
Librarian Assistant
SBC Main Campus
Members of adjunct faculty are sought out for their academic backgrounds as well as significant real-world ministry and leadership experience. SBC’s goal is to utilize and affirm instructors with an ability to motivate the student-learner, communicate effectively, and interact with students on a personal and significant level.
Jessica  Alderman
BA University of WisconsinMDiv/ThM Phoenix Seminary
Jim Beirne
B.A. Seattle Bible CollegeM.A. Seattle Bible College
Andre Benjamin
B.A. Seattle Pacific UniversityDr. Jeremy Chambers
B.A. Northwest UniversityM.A. University of Washington; M. A. NWU
Doctorate, AOG Theological Seminary
Dr. Shirl DeBay
M.A. Seattle Pacific UniversityDoctorate, Florida Beacon College and Seminary
Barry Eggehorn
B.A. Seattle Bible CollegeM.A. Berkley School of Music
Dan Eide
B.A. Northwest UniversityM.A. Seattle Bible College
Diane Fink
Director: School of ProphetsDr. Joe Fuiten
Doctor of Ministry, Bakke Graduate UniversityDr. Wayde Goodall
B.A. Vanguard UniversityM.A. Central Michigan University
DMin, AOG Theological Seminary
Dr. Craig Gorc
BA Biblical Literature & CommunicationsNorthwest University
MA Bakke University
Doctorate Evangel University
Sherrie Graves
B.A. Northwest UniversityDr. Dan Hammer
B.A. Seattle Bible CollegeM.A. Bakke Graduate University
Doctorate, Bakke Graduate University
John Hammer
B.A. Seattle Bible CollegeM.A. Antioch School (current)
Keith Hook
M.A. Dubuque Theological SeminaryEd Horak
B.A. Witwatersrand University, South AfricaM.A. University of South Africa
Kim Howard
B.A. Xavier University, New OrleansGraduate student at Seattle Bible College
Dr. Ray Hughes
Doctor of DivinityKevin Johnson
Former Youth Pastor at Sonrise Christian CenterDr. Wesley Johnson
M.A. Dallas Theological SeminaryDoctorate, Bakke Graduate University
Dr. Henry Klopp
Doctorate, California Graduate School of TheologyDr. Stephen List
BA Sacred LiteratureHolmes Theological Seminary
Doctor of Divinity: Pacific Coast Bible College
Herb Marks
Associate Pastor, Sonrise Christian CenterDoug Martin
B.A. Seattle Pacific UniversityLorna Mirador
University of the East Ramon MagsaysayBA of Science in Nursing
MA Biblical Studies, Seattle Bible College
Lisa  Putnam
M.A. Wagner UniversityDr. Alec Rolands
Doctorate, Carey Theological CollegeDr. Bob Shank
B.A. Southwest Baptist UniversityM.A. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Doctorate, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Dr. Jon Sharpe
Doctorate, Bakke Graduate UniversityDr. David Shibley
M.A. Southwestern Baptist Theological SeminaryDoctorate, Oral Roberts University
Anthony Simmons
B.A. Seattle Bible CollegeDeborah Sizer
B.A. University of Nebraska @ KearneyB.A. Seattle Bible College
M.A. University of Nebraska @ Kearney
Dr. Tim Smith
B.A. Northwest Nazarene UniversityM.A. Moriah Institute of Christian Studies
Doctorate, Moriah Institute of Christian Studies
Craig Spingath
B.A. Melodyland School of TheologyTerry Tarsiuk
B.A. Seattle Bible CollegeM.A. Fuller Theological Seminary
Debra Thompson
B.A. Seattle Bible CollegeChristopher Troll
B.A. Northwest CollegeM.B.A. Northwest University
Dr. Kathleen Troll
B.A. University of WashingtonM.A. Seattle Bible College
Doctorate, Bakke Graduate University
Dr. Steve Trullinger
Doctorate, University of Southern CaliforniaDr. Paul Vallee
B.A. Seattle Bible CollegeM.A. Briercrest Biblical Seminary
MABTS Ambrose University
Doctorate, Bakke Graduate University
Dr. Avril VanderMerwe
B.A. University of South AfricaM.A. University of South Africa
Doctorate, Newburgh Theological Seminary